Home News The SecurIT project has kicked off!

The SecurIT project has kicked off!


On 14th of September, the SecurIT project kicked off during a hybrid meeting in France, hosted by the coordinator Safe Cluster in Aix en Provence.

SecurIT is a European project funded under the H2020 Innosup programme, aiming at supporting and co-financing the development of collaborative projects allowing prototyping and experimentation of top-notch technological solutions in the field of Security, with respect of the nowadays ethics, legal, and social challenges.

2 open calls for collaborative projects will be launched within the project duration – the first one in early 2022 – through which 63 best-in-class innovative projects developed by 126 SMEs across Europe will be granted. For the 2 calls, EUR 3 521 000 funding in total is available.

The project is structured in three major axes:

  • Demand analyses (new use cases identification) on the security market, with integrators and end users (including industrial players, public authorities, and managers of critical infrastructures);
  • Identification of technological solutions in Europe (solutions and services for digital and physical security);
  • Matchmaking activities will be proposed by the European clusters of the project consortium, including HSD, to facilitate the consortium building for the applications to the 2 Open Calls that will be launched by SecurIT.

The project consortium is composed of 8 partners from 6 countries of which 7 clusters:

The project partners will engage their respective ecosystems and partners to identify their core needs regarding physical and digital security, and define the open call challenges, in order to select quality projects answering the real market needs. Workshops will be organised in this respect in Autumn 2021.

More information:

Project website (release end November 2021): http://www.securit-project.eu

LinkedIn: securit-project 

Twitter: @SecurIT20

Facebook: @SecurITproject

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101005292