Title: New industrial value chain for Safe, sECure and Resilient cIties and Territories
Grant Agreement No: 101005292
Funding Scheme: H2020, INNOSUP-01-2018-2020 – Cluster facilitated projects for new industrial value chains
Duration: 36 months
Project Coordinator: SAFE Cluster (Security and Aerospace actors for the Future of Earth), France
Consortium: 8 partners, 6 countries
Start date: September 1, 2021
The ultimate goal of SecurIT is to address multiple key gaps by supporting the development and the integration of innovative security solutions in a new global competitive industrial (& service) value chain, based on the integration and use of disruptive security solutions into security systems and the integration of legal & ethical constraints at all steps of maturity, through the cross-border collaboration between SMEs and other RDI actors of this cross-sectoral sector.
SecurIT shall identify future security solutions’ needs and use cases related to specific test beds by selecting and supporting best-in-class 63 projects developed by 126 SMEs across Europe (2 per project).
More details about the SecurIT: SecurIT _Key_information.
Web: https://securit-project.eu/
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101005292.