Title: Cybersecurity and Data Protection for Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises Grant Agreement No: 101128101 Funding Scheme: DIGITAL-ECCC-2022-CYBER-03 Duration: 36 months Project Coordinator: LSEC – Leaders In Security (coordinator) Consortium: 12 partners Start date: February 1, 2024 Objective: CYSSME aims to 1) deploy solutions developed by European CyberSecurity SMEs which have been supported by European […]
Funding Scheme: The project is partially funded by the European Union, under the ISF Police programme. Grant Agreement No: 101036219 Duration: 24 months Beneficiary: The sole beneficiary of the Tools4LEAs project is European Anti-Cybercrime Technology Development Association (EACTDA). Lithuanian Cybercrime Center of Excellence for Training, Research and Education (L3CE) is a member of the association. […]
Title: Digital Innovation For Lithuanian Industrial Development Funding Scheme: Digital Europe Programme, DIGITAL-SIMPLE Grant Agreement No: 101100660 Duration: 36 months Project Coordinator: Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), Lithuania Consortium: 14 partners Project start: November 1, 2022 DI4 Lithuanian ID – Industry need driven European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) of Central and Western Lithuania. It consists […]
Acronym: EAGLE Title: CovEring the trAining Gap in digitaL skills for European SMEs manpowEr Funding Scheme: Digital Europe Programme, DIGITAL-SME Grant Agreement No: 101100660 Duration: 36 months Project Coordinator: University of Burgos (Spain) Consortium: 11 partners, 7 countries Start date: January 1, 2023 Objectives: The project EAGLE aims to contribute to development of vibrant European […]
Title: Sustainable Autonomy and Resilience for LEAs using AI against High priority Threats Grant Agreement No: 101021797 Funding Scheme: H2020, H2020-SU-AI-2020 Duration: 48 months Project Coordinator: French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) Consortium: 51 partners, 18 countries Start date: October 1, 2021 Objective: STARLIGHT aims to create a community that brings together LEAs, […]
Title: New industrial value chain for Safe, sECure and Resilient cIties and Territories Grant Agreement No: 101005292 Funding Scheme: H2020, INNOSUP-01-2018-2020 – Cluster facilitated projects for new industrial value chains Duration: 36 months Project Coordinator: SAFE Cluster (Security and Aerospace actors for the Future of Earth), France Consortium: 8 partners, 6 countries Start date: September […]
Title: Public Resilience using TEchnology to Counter Terrorism Grant Agreement No: 815356 Funding Scheme: ISFP Duration: 32 months Project Coordinator: Dutch Institute for Technology, Safety & Security (DITSS) Consortium: 13 partners, 6 countries Start date: November 1, 2018 Objective: to strengthen local authorities’ capabilities in Public Protection by putting in place an overarching concept where tools, technology, training and […]
Title: Innovation – Law Enforcement Agency’s dialogue Grant Agreement No: 740685 Funding Scheme: H2020 (H2020-SEC-2016-2017-1) Duration: 66 months Project Coordinator: Dutch National Police Consortium: 19 partners, 12 countries Start date: September 1, 2017 Goal: to create European Network of Law Enforcement Practitioners that could help solving capacity and capability needs valid for law enforcement agencies. It will be achieved by setting […]