Title: Sustainable Autonomy and Resilience for LEAs using AI against High priority Threats

Grant Agreement No: 101021797

Funding Scheme: H2020, H2020-SU-AI-2020

Duration: 48 months

Project Coordinator: French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)

Consortium:  51 partners,  18 countries

Start date: October 1, 2021

Objective: STARLIGHT aims to create a community that brings together LEAs, researchers, industry and practitioners in the security ecosystem under a coordinated and strategic effort to bring AI into operational practices.

Five strategic goals underpin STARLIGHT’s approach:
1. Improve the widespread UNDERSTANDing of AI across LEAs to reinforce their investigative and cybersecurity operations and the need to uphold legal, ethical and societal values;
2. Provide opportunities to LEAs to EXPLOIT AI tools and solutions in their operational work that are trustworthy, transparent and human-centric;
3. Ensure that LEAs can PROTECT their own AI systems through privacy- and security-by-design approaches, better cybersecurity tools and knowledge;
4. Raise LEAs’ expertise and capacity to COMBAT the misuse of AI-supported crime and terrorism;
5. BOOST AI for LEAs in Europe through high-quality datasets, an interoperable and standardised framework for long term sustainability of solutions, and the creation of an AI hub for LEAs that supports a strong AI security industry and enhances the EU’s strategic autonomy in AI.  STARLIGHT will ensure European LEAs lead the way in AI innovation, autonomy and resilience, addressing the challenges of now and the future, prioritising the safety and security of Europe for all.

Linkedin: starlight_h2020
Twitter: @starlight_h2020

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 101021797