December 21st 2021 13:00 – 14:00 CET
L3CE together with its partners SAFE, LSEC, SCS and SYTEMATIC (FR), CenSec (DK) and HSD (NL), launches the European project SecurIT.
During a webinar on December 21st, you’re welcome to be informed about the funding opportunities for Small and Medium Security-related Enterprises in Europe.
The project is financing 3.5 million EUR from the European Commission to innovative CyberSecurity solutions, which can be tested and validated with potential large enterprise or public authorities end users. Two types of projects will be funded:
- Solution Prototype – 74 000 EUR and
- Solution Demostrator – 88 000 EUR.
During the webinar, we will explain how this financing will be organized, how to prepare and apply in January 2022 and how to deal with open call requirements.
Early January, the SecurIT partners will organize a matchmaking event, in order for Security Innovator SMEs to meet up with potential end users.
The SecurIT project is financed by the European Commission under the H2020-Innosup program that aims to support and finance the development of collaborative innovative projects by European SMEs, allowing to prototype, experiment and validate the security solutions. It aims to innovate security solutions from the security, ethical, legal and societal backgrounds.
The project runs for 3 years and has been structured that it will organize 2 Open Calls, of which the first will be opened on 25th of January 2022 and will be open for 3 months.
The objective of the info session on December 21 is to ensure that SMEs can start timely preparing for their application, to initiate the internal process and reach out to potential innovation partners and end-users in order to increase chances to success.
Link to the webinar video (EN)
More about the SecurIT available here.
For more information about the event please contact
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101005292