
Lion DC Newsletter #4

Dear Reader, Welcome to the fourth edition of the Lion DC project newsletter.Organisations all over the Europe were forced to adapt to the new era which derived from COVID-19 crisis. In this framework, LION DC consortium changed its time plan, schedule and sequence of actions, implementing innovative alternatives to successfully meet project’s goals, offering to LEAs useful training sessions and information in the best way...


Cross-projects collaboration workshop held on 9 March 2021 marked the beginning of cooperation between 2 EU projects “End-to-end Security of the Digital Single Market’s E-commerce and Delivery Service Ecosystem” – ENSURESEC and “Cybersecurity Skills Alliance - A New Vision for Europe” – REWIRE. The aim of the workshop was to find the synergy between the projects and set up the key action points to start the collaboration.  It was agreed to share the results as well as introduce the intermediate developments and achievements between the projects in order...

Everything is connected – New arenas of collaboration SPARTA and EU-HYBNET (Empowering a Pan-European Network to Counter Hybrid Threats)

SPARTA T-Shark research programme The SPARTA Project (Grant agreement ID: 830892)  is responsible for executing four research programmes that tackle ambitious challenges in cybersecurity, representing major opportunities for enhancing Europe’s strategic autonomy and the Digital Single Market. These programmes account for more than half of the efforts deployed in SPARTA. Although programme leaders have different profiles, all are nevertheless experienced senior experts. One of the four...

Innovation governance based on the diversity of factors that Shaped the Development of the SPARTA T-SHARK Program

One of four Programs in SPARTA, T-SHARK aims to develop and validate methodological, organisational and technological solutions, thereby extending cybersecurity in order to achieve a comprehensive organisation of security functions that focus on threat prediction and full-spectrum cybersecurity awareness, providing high situational awareness and timely warning of threats.  Significantly, T-SHARK and 19 of its partners have focused their primary efforts on the question of...

Cyber competence development ecosystem started by SPARTA and further explored by REWIRE

A few years ago, the EC launched 4 pilot projects, namely SPARTA, CONCORDIA, ECHO and CyberSec4Europe in an attempt to take a leading role in developing an EU cybersecurity competence ecosystem. These pilot projects bring together more than 160 partners, including large companies, SMEs, universities and cybersecurity research institutes from 26 EU Member States.  The four pilots have been asked to collaborate and coordinate their activities to address the...

EU-HYBNET project brings different actors together to counter hybrid threats

Empowering a Pan-European Network to Counter Hybrid Threats (EU-HYBNET) is the first European project with a specific focus on preparing for and countering hybrid threats and on developing and building an European network in this field. The five-year project coordinated by Laurea University of Applied Sciences was launched in May 2020. EU-HYBNET will address four core themes to ensure coherence in the project’s results: 1)...

European-wide project on countering hybrid threats kicked off

The Lithuanian Cybercrime Center of Excellence for Training, Research and Education L3CE ( together with the strongest partners in Europe working in the field of cyber threats, launched the EU-HYBNET (Empowering a Pan-European Network to Counter Hybrid Threats) project in a virtual conference on May 12, 2020. The aim of the project is to develop a European network that is able to detect, prepare for and counter hybrid threats. This five-year-long project is funded by the European Commission’s Horizon...


The DRIVER+ Advanced Crisis Management Conference was held in Brussels on the 18th, 19th and 20th of February, bringing together over 300 Crisis Management specialists, academics and technology developers from throughout Europe and beyond. The project’s outputs, achievements and long-term legacy benefits for all European and international Crisis Management organisations were praised by senior European Commission officials and conference delegates. The conference was the culmination of...

SPARTA — Re-imagining the way cybersecurity research, innovation, and training are performed in the European Union

Cybersecurity is an urgent and major societal challenge. Highly correlated with the digitalization of our societies, cyberthreats have an increasing impact on our lives. It is therefore essential to ensure digital security and strategic autonomy of the EU by strengthening leading cybersecurity capacities. This challenge will require the coordination of Europe’s best competences, towards common research and innovation goals. SPARTA is a novel Cybersecurity Competence...