
GRACE presented at ToolFest2023 in Brussels

In the dynamic hub of Brussels, the spotlight was squarely on the GRACE project at this year's ToolFest. GRACE takes center stage, showcasing its advanced capabilities to a captivated audience. GRACE - Empowering Law Enforcement Against Child Exploitation The GRACE project, short for "Global Response Against Child Exploitation," is a vital component of L3CE's contributions at ToolFest. Committed to equipping European law enforcement agencies with advanced...

STARLIGHT shines at ToolFest2023

With a mission to "Enhance the EU’s strategic autonomy in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) for law enforcement agencies (LEAs)," STARLIGHT has been the talk of ToolFest since its grand launch. Spearheaded by the dynamic Project Manager Evaldas, STARLIGHT is at the forefront of technological evolution, reshaping the landscape of security research. Its ultimate goal? To arm European law enforcement agencies with the...

L3CE at CRITIS2023: Addressing Cyber Challenges and Showcasing Innovative Projects

The 18th International Conference on Critical Information Infrastructures Security, known as CRITIS2023, recently took place at the Laurea University of Applied Sciences in the Helsinki metropolitan region in Finland. This prestigious event, held from September 13th to 15th, brought together a diverse group of experts, including researchers, infrastructure operators, industry leaders, and government representatives. The conference served as a platform for discussing the critical...

Second batch of SecurIT-funded projects kicks off!

The Kick-Off Meeting of SecurIT Open Call #2 selected projects took place in Vilnius, on the 5th of July 2023.

Project EAGLE presented at Plenary meeting of the REWIRE project

Project EAGLE was presented as an exemplar initiative that stands to benefit from the REWIRE project.

GRACE project newsletter: June 2023

The GRACE project June 2023 newsletter is now available on the GRACE website. Read now for all the latest updates on the pilots and project news here.

EAGLE Project: Focus Group on  Cybercrime, Cyberthreats and Cybersecurity Training Course for SMEs

Lithuanian Cybercrime Center of Excellence for Training, Research and Education (hereinafter L3CE) led a focus group of SME’s, academia and professionals to discover relevant aspects for developing highly practical training courses for SME’s in the field of cybercrime, cyberthreats and cybersecurity. Participants of the focus group focused on practical aspects of cybersecurity in SMEs, as significant constraints must be considered - SMEs are and will...

SecurIT OC#2 Winners are invited to Kick-off meeting, July 5 2023 Vilnius, Lithuania

Lithuanian Cybercrime Center of Excellence for Training, Research and Education (L3CE) together with SecurIT project partners are preparing for the SecurIT Open Call (OC) #2 Kick-off meeting in Vilnius on 5th of July, 2023. Representatives from OC#2 funded projects are invited to come and discover more about the Programme and the SecurIT consortium. During the event participants will learn about the Programme rules and requirements,...

SecurIT Jury Days #2, May 16-17 2023

On May 16-17 2023 the jury, composed of the SecurIT consortium partners and supported by ethical expert, gathered in Paris at Le Catalyseur. L3CE director and expert Egidija Veršinskienė participated as Selection Committee member and dr. Sigutė Stankevičiūtė took part as ethical expert. In total, 37 project proposals were pitched and assessed. The Jury is currently deliberating to select the 21 winners who will be granted...

EU-HYBNET project newsletter: April 2023

The Newsletter for the EU-HYBNET Project is here.